Preparing Your Windows and Doors for Winter

Preparing Your Windows and Doors for Winter

Winter weather can be particularly hard on your home’s windows and doors. Thankfully, a little preparation can go a long way when it comes to keeping your home warm and secure all season long. Here’s how: 

Weather Stripping

If the gaps around your windows and doors are letting in the cold air, seal them with weather stripping to prevent heat loss. You could save more than 20% on heating and cooling bills if an old or drafty house is air sealed. There are many types of weather stripping used for different locations of a house. For example, felt and open-cell foams are inexpensive and work best in low-traffic areas while vinyl is a more expensive but durable option for high-traffic places.  


Sweating windows and doors occur when cool, dry air comes in contact with moist, warm air. This could rot wood, damage plaster, or even cause mold. To prevent this, use a dehumidifier or exhaust fan to control the moisture in your home, and if it’s not too cold outside, open a window or door for a short period daily to let out the moist air. 

Storm Windows & Doors

Storm windows and doors are designed to withstand strong winds and harsh winter elements and they add an extra layer of insulation to your home, making it more energy efficient. These pieces are also easy to install, can reduce outside noise, and can increase the curb appeal of your home. 

Choose Energy-Efficient Windows

In addition to storm windows, you can have energy-efficient windows installed. This is the best option for homes with old, poorly functioning windows. Consider double or triple-pane windows to save the most money on your winter energy bills. It can be helpful to consult with a professional about the best option for your home. 


Finally, having your windows and doors professionally inspected can go a long way towards their longevity and efficiency. Ask your inspector to check the structural integrity as well as repair any cracked or broken glass. 

This holiday season, JEH Windows & Doors is here to make sure you save money while staying toasty warm. Give us a call today at (204) 589-1474 or visit us online and check out our many options to make your home more attractive and energy-friendly.

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