How to Maintain Your Windows Against Mother Nature

How to Maintain Your Windows Against Mother Nature

Springtime is only a few months away here in Winnipeg, and while most Winnipegers are still throwing on multiple layers when they go outside, many people are starting to look around their homes and compile their list of chores for spring cleaning.

Proper window maintenance isn’t limited to the spring, as there are plenty of things you can do during the year to keep your panes shining clear and bright.

Regular Outdoor Washing

Windows face a lot of pressure from the elements, and sand and dirt that’s left unchecked can dig deep in your panes. When the weather warms, make sure to mix in a dash of vinegar and teaspoon of soap with your water to get the best shine possible out of your windows.  

Proper Sealing & Caulking

A drafty window is especially awful during the winter, as it can make any family gathering a windy or chilly affair. Pick up a caulking gun from your local hardware store and make sure to properly caulk the outer frames of your windows and replace any worn-out rubber sealing that may be letting air through.

Cleaning Sash Tracks

Sash tracks are the rails that windows slide up and down and left and right on, and these spaces can become very dirty very fast. Avoid the frustrations of stiff windows and repair costs by taking a sponge brush and some cleaning solution and use it to reach all the nooks and crannies.

Prevent Mold & Rot Buildups

Temperature imbalances between homes and the outdoors can lead to condensation, and while this is a natural occurrence during winter months, it can lead to the development of mold and rot at the base of the window. Avoid this mess by keeping your shades open to let sunlight in to dry the frame and occasionally wipe it down with a towel.

Keeping Your Frame Properly Lubricated

Whether your home has vinyl, wood, or fiberglass windows, your panes are held together and move around on metal clasps, handles, and levers that need to be lubricated. Be sure to grease these areas often to avoid rust build-ups and breaks that can leave your window stuck open.

Just like how the eyes are the windows into the soul, your windows are your eyes to the outside world. Make sure your view is crystal clear and clean by calling the experts at JEH Windows and Doors today at (204) 589-1474 or visit us online to see how our wide window selection can fit your home’s unique style.

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